Best YAG Video Presentation Overview

2024 APAGE Annual Congress in Chennai India
Best YAG video presentation winner gose to Dr. Tanvi Desai from India!
➡️ Check her abstract
➡️ Check her video

2023 APAGE Annual Congress in Singpapore
Best YAG video presentation winner gose to Dr. Shin-Yi Chen from Taiwan!
➡️ Check her abstract
➡️ Check her video

2022 APAGE Annual Congress in Taipei Taiwan and Online.
Best YAG video presentation winner gose to Dr. Kiyoshi Kanno from Japan!
➡️ Check his abstract

2021 Online APAGE Annual Congress (Due to Covid-19)
Best YAG video presentation winner gose to Dr. Pranay Vinod Desai from India!
➡️ Check his abstract
➡️ Check his video

2018 APAGE Annual Congress in Surabaya, Indonesia
Best YAG video presentation winner gose to Dr. Pei-Chen Li from Taiwan!

2017 APAGE Annual Congress in Okayama, Japan
Best YAG video presentation winner gose to Dr. Amruta Jaiswal from India!